Friday, October 13, 2017

Letter 19 - October 6 1918

Letter 19 to Mrs. Maggie Thompson
Sedona, Ariz
Postmarked Oct 7, 1918

Co B 13th Inf
Camp Dix NJ  10/6/18

Dear Mother

I will write you a few lines to day.  I got your letter you wrote in town a few days ago.  We are still here and I don’t know how much longer we will be here.  There has been six men died out of our Co now and we still have some in the hospital with that same  disease and one with the measles and two with the mumps.

I heard once that big A Cosner was dead and then I heard that he came to life again.  He is in the 133 Inf.  Dick Allen from Cherry Creek is in my Co and I never knew until a few days ago that he was from Ariz.  I got acquainted with him when we first moved to the Co at Cody.  He knows Clara and Albert and was there at home when they were married.  Hilda Enge is teaching at Camp Verde this winter. 

There has been over 700 men died in this camp since the sickness started.  I helped load 19 on the train to send them home to be berried. 
I want to get a money order to put in this letter but will have to wait untill after dark to go to the YMCA to get for we are quarantined. 

I haven’t heard whether Green got the last money order or not but I guess he has. It takes about a month to write a letter there and get an answer. 
Well I don’t know any thing else to write but just so you know I am well in all that is necessary.


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Who Were Charles and James Thompson??

The Thompson family were early pioneers in Arizona.  The father and patriarch, Irish immigrant John James Thompson (born 1841), was the firs...